MSF panoramas
Walking with AIDSDans les pas du Sida
Fighting Malaria
Vaincre la Malaria
MSF nutritional care
more panoramas
le soldat roseFighting Malaria
joyeux noël !
sziget salsa
Walking with AIDS - Dans les pas du SIDA
le beau mariage
doña Laura
le pain
mardi gras
sheltering tree
3 kids drowning
bord de mer
360 ducks
7 margot
end of war
good city of prague
ocean drive
miami beach
urban art
60 years ago
Santa Claus the impostor
leisure world 2 - priceless
leisure world 1 - predator
apples and a carrot
le pont rouge
holiday ending
the boys choir
land of elves
invaders' strands
more street music
good city of york
lancelot's castle
good city of barcelona
europe welcomes 10
the piano lesson
easter brunch
adèle's birthday
collaborative vr
the war to end all warsww2 panorama
early spins

emailPanoKina 2008
3 October 2004, 14:26 genre: streetlife by mickael
the French hall at PanoKina 2008
As I was getting lost and dizzy at the PhotoKina I had a vision, can you see like me 12 panographers in the future ?
qtvr sizes [FULLSCREEN] in a popup window
This is a panojoke for my fellow and friend panoramists on the french list. 12 links are in there 11 of which to other fine panorama related places, I couldn’t fit everyone in there and I’m sorry for that. But for the ones that I could fit and also the others missing, this is a thanks to you for all you bring to the vr community.
For those that asked me about hotspots, they are activated for this once, find the links and don’t cheat unless you have to, 12 links are in there for you to find…